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Starker Fresh Beer Outlet Outfitted With K-array

Luther Music adds discrete KT2 Tornado and KU26 subwoofers to European-influenced venue in Singapore.

Starker Fresh Beer Outlet in Singapore features elaborate interior work, authentic German heritage and brewing tenacity by using the traditional, European-influenced design associated with beer drinking, as well as a new sound system utilizing loudspeakers from K-array.

Having spent a large amount of money on construction, the owners wanted a sound system that truly is representative of the form and function of the venue. Known widely for their great audio installs and experienced crew, Luther Music was briefed to provide a system that was both easy to operate and looks as good as it sounds.

With many restrictions on the method of installation and speaker location, Luther Music designed a system that avoided drilling and neatly hid from view. The team presented a KT2 and KU26 solution from K-array and easily won immediate approval with its Italian design and performance. 12 units of the KT2 Tornado and 3 units of the slim KU26 subwoofers were selected for their quality and compact size.

“K-arrays was selected simply because it had the right mix of high quality sound and was not a visual hindrance to the restaurant’s theme,” says Luther Ong, president of Luther Music. “The client was surprised that the speakers virtually invisible and was taken aback with the deep bass produced by such a small, slim subwoofer. Overall, they were very satisfied and extremely impressed.”

“Thank you Luther for presenting such a fine example of a well-thought out layout and competent system design. You guys are awesome,” says Benedict Lim of Starker Fresh Beer.


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Professional Audio Mixing Consoles