About Us

ProSoundWeb is the world’s largest web community for all aspects of the professional audio industry, including live sound, installed sound, recorded sound, and industry business trends. Our pro audio community has grown to more than 100,000 monthly unique visitors who view millions of pages each month.

ProSoundWeb also presents editorial from its sister publication, Live Sound International magazine, recognized as the world leader in covering live and installed sound technology, trends, people and business issues. In addition, ProSoundWeb presents insightful content from allied publications Church Production and Worship Facilities.

ProSoundWeb is a subsidiary of EH Publishing, Inc., which is an integrated media company and the leading provider of independent business and consumer content and information serving the consumer, commercial & custom electronics, information technology, house of worship, pro audio, robotics, and supply chain markets through multimedia publications, websites, newsletters, and expos. EH provides resources to millions of professionals and consumers worldwide. To find out more, visit www.ehpub.com