In The Studio: The Intangibles Of A Mix
Pushing up some faders, getting a reasonable balance and adding some effects might work for a rough mix, but there’s more to building a great mix…
Pushing up some faders, getting a reasonable balance and adding some effects might work for a rough mix, but there’s more to building a great mix…
“The unseen, completely unnoticed, highly trained tactical team of secretive, slightly mysterious warriors…”
A (friendly) conversation about the use (and often overuse) of plugins as tools to help achieve a better mix, both at front of house and in monitor world.
“What can I do now, with the gear and people I have, to improve things for the team, the clients, and the bottom line?”
Have we reached the point where we actually prefer processing and loops to real instruments?
Human judgement will always be part of the equation, because the analyzer only knows how to answer certain questions.
Getting quality audio to the recorder or computer and making things sound their best.
Compressors, expanders, noise gates and limiters – altering frequency content and amplitude level
There are two ways to assess the quality of audio devices: measuring and listening.
Celebrating over 50 years of audio excellence worldwide, Audio-Technica is a leading innovator in transducer technology, renowned for the design and manufacture of microphones, wireless microphones, headphones, mixers, and electronics for the audio industry.