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Mammoth Sound Invests In dBTechnologies DVA

Salt Lake City-based concert sound provider selects DVA T12 and DVA T8 loudspeakers along with DVX DM15 TH stage monitors.

Mark Gallegos, owner and CEO of Mammoth Sound, first experienced a demo of the DVA active line array from dBTechnologies five years ago and he hasn’t turned back. The demo consisted of DVA T12s, DVA S30Ns, DVX DM15 THs, and DVA T8s, supporting The Wailers on a ski slope with no opportunity to do a sound check.

“It was incredible,” Gallegos remembers, “I preset everything where I hoped it would come up, since we couldn’t do a sound check, and I was amazed at how easily the system performed.”

Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, Mammoth Sound has been supporting big-name acts with the DVA system ever since. From Keith Urban to Joan Jett, Gallegos swears by the versatility of the DVA product lineup for any show that his company supports. Since first hearing dBTechnologies at that demo in 2012, Mammoth Sound has acquired 38 DVA T12 boxes, 32 DVA T8s and 24 DVX DM15 TH wedges.

Mammoth Sound at FestEVOL with dBTechnologies DVA

“My favorite thing about the DVA lineup has to be its flexibility. I know exactly how it will perform every single time, and I’ve never had an issue. You can take one speaker out on a small job, or you can take 40 for a larger show – the flexibility of DVA is incredible,” says Gallegos.

The DVA product line from dBTechnologies launched over a decade ago with the DVA T4, followed by the DVA T12 and DVA T8. The lightweight and durable DVA T4 quickly put dBTechnologies on the map in the US, and the overall DVA product line remains a bestseller and fan-favorite for its quality and affordability. Gallegos comments, “To this day the system still outperforms a lot of more expensive systems, hands down.”

Mammoth Sound has used their DVA system for festivals, amphitheater shows, church installs and much more. Looking to the future, Gallegos has no doubt they’ll be using DVA loudspeakers in many projects to come. “No matter the venue we know we can rely on the software and the system to sound great. DVA performs, and it keeps performing.”


Mammoth Sound

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