
Sennheiser Offers Customized Education Solutions 

Portfolio for educational institutions supports efficient digital workflows with integrated software and wireless solutions.

Sennheiser Education Solutions presents a portfolio that is customized for educational institutions – making the digital workflows of IT managers simple and productive.

Sennheiser’s solutions for education are user-friendly and can easily be operated by professors, students and IT staff alike. The products can be integrated into existing infrastructures and work reliably, while providing users with flexibility. This ensures an uncomplicated learning atmosphere in which ideas can be easily shared – even in large groups – providing students with optimal support in their personal development.

The SpeechLine digital wireless microphone series offers reliable and flexible solutions that are specially customized for speech applications. Depending on the preference, different microphone types can be selected: If the professor wishes to move freely in the auditorium during the lecture, he or she can choose between a handheld transmitter or a bodypack transmitter with either a clip-on microphone or a headset microphone.

SpeechLine digital wireless

In a podium discussion, for example, (wireless) table stands can be used in combination with gooseneck microphones for the panel participants, while handheld transmitters can be used for questions and reactions from the audience.

With the SpeechLine digital wireless range, it does not matter if the microphones are installed in a single room or used campus-wide: The system can be extended at any time and fulfills all the requirements of everyday lecture activities.

It uses the future-proof and license-free 1.9GHz frequency range via two different modes: The Automatic Mode ensures easy installation and a reliable, maximum range for up to 20 concurrent microphone links. In multi-room mode, a significantly larger number of links is possible by modifying the transmission power – a campus-wide installation with more than 2000 links overall is possible.

By using Sennheiser Control Cockpit software, IT managers at universities can make their digital workflows as simple and productive. They have control over all campus-wide set-ups as well as an overview of all devices on the network, including their location and status.

Settings or firmware updates for microphones can be made remotely – as can troubleshooting, with error messages helping to identify problems and often allow for these to be rectified remotely too. Saving IT staff considerable time in maintenance, educational institutions can use the software to improve their digital processes and minimize future investments. The Sennheiser Control Cockpit software is entirely compatible with the SpeechLine digital wireless microphone series, as well as evolution wireless G3, evolution wireless G4 and Digital 6000 radio microphone systems.

MobileConnect is Sennheiser’s wi-fi-based solution for hearing without barriers. The system is optimized for use in educational institutions, providing all students’ needs using the latest and user-friendly audio technology. Operation is simple: The MobileConnect app for either iOS or Android is downloaded onto the mobile device. The “Personal Hearing Assistant” then allows the user to adapt the sound to their individual hearing needs via an intuitive touchscreen interface.

The lectures are broadcast in real time and high quality to mobile devices and smartphones via wi-fi. Thanks to the solution’s “Bring Your Own Device” approach, students don’t require any additional hardware and simply can use their own smartphone. The latency is extremely low due to real-time audio streaming, while Unicast technology allows the transmission of audio content to all smartphones worldwide. This ensures that students with hearing impairments can participate in normal lectures without facing any barriers.

Visit Sennheiser at ISE, Hall 2, Stand B-50.

Sennheiser Education Solutions