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Tempus Fugit: Making “The Green Monster” Come Alive In Vegas

Truth In Audio finally goes public with the restomodded Eastern Acoustic Works (EAW) KF750 three-way concert loudspeakers.

Another Fun Twist

Then there were the recorded tracks, those glorious tracks. We’d managed to obtain the entire Def Leppard performance from the LA Forum in 1983! These tracks, originally recorded on tape in a mobile recording studio outside the venue, had been lovingly transferred to digital and presented to us by the band to use for our demonstration.

So, let’s do a complete checklist here:

–A completely “resto-modded” point source system utilizing all modern and sometimes radical technology, including the bulletproof TQ process, layered on by Dave Gunness at Fulcrum. Check.

The author addressing the audience at the debut of the system.

— Robert Scovill with his original “virtual sound check” setup at FOH using a Gamble EX56 pulled out of mothballs and resurrected by Dave Shadoan and the team at Sound Image. Check.

— Def Leppard themselves donating the recorded material to the effort, which, by the way, had never been heard in public before. Check.

— And, a collection of exceptional pro audio talent onsite, all working tirelessly to see The Green Monster come to life and entertain the attendees. Final check.

The effort put into this project by all parties was Herculean, and let’s find out from Robert about the results (last page). He was the “man on the stick” for every performance and knows better than anyone what the overall experience was.

From my view, it was an incredibly proud moment, both for me and for professional audio. To be in that environment, surrounded by many modern systems, and to be able to take everyone on a journey through time and innovation was an experience I’ll never forget. To share this with so many wonderful friends was the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in my career.

We must thank the wonderful brands that came together to make this happen. Their willingness to help not only spoke volumes for their respective companies but also for their love and devotion to our industry. Beyma provided the 12-inch and 1-inch components, Celestion supplied the AxiPeriodic devices, RAM Audio delivered the amplification.

You want analog? We got analog, and in copious quantities at front of house.

Let’s also note Dave handling the system re-voicing along with implementing the Fulcrum Acoustics TQ process, and Sound Image providing all of the additional equipment necessary to make this show happen. Also, a special shout-out to Chris at Anderson Audio – without his generous support, none of this would have been possible.

Indeed, time flies – and that’s the translation of the Latin phrase that serves as the title to this article. I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey with us.

(Robert Scovill comments on page 4)

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