Church Sound: EQ Vocals Like You’re Cleaning Out The Garage

This article is provided by Behind The Mixer.


Performing the vocal EQ process time-and-time again, have you ever wondered if there was a better way? I’m a process freak. 

However, I’ve found the best way for improving a process is starting a new one from scratch. 

That’s how I arrived at the following process I use for mixing my vocals.

Clean Your Room!

EQ’ing a vocal is a lot like cleaning out a messy room. Take, for instance, the messiest spot at your place. It could be your garage, your bedroom, or a closet.

If you were to clean out your messy garage, you’d likely do the following;

—Throw out the stuff you don’t need. This is usually broken stuff and stuff you don’t want.

—Clean up the stuff you need. For example, clean up your workbench by putting the tools away.

—Improve the existing organization. For example, move the trash cans closer to the garage door while moving the recycling bin next to the door to the house because you’re always tossing recyclables in there throughout the day.

The last time I cleaned out my garage, I threw out my regular process and started from scratch. I drew out the dimensions of my garage on a piece of paper and sketched out where everything should ideally be located for efficiency and increased floor space for parking. 

For example, the recycle bin was put by the back door and the lawn mower was put next to the garage door for easy access. During my cleaning process, I had a reason for moving and cleaning; creating an efficient order wherein less space was required for the same stuff.

Take your current process of cleaning up your vocals and toss it aside.

Let’s now look at how you can apply the same process I used for cleaning my garage.

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