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Haus Leipzig In Germany Renews PA System With RCF HDL 30-A Arrays

Main left and right arrays are comprised of eight HDL 30-A modules each, with top two modules HF adjustable via RDnet.

A recent renovation of Haus Leipzig, an event hall in Leipzig, Germany with a long tradition, saw venue staff and technical service provider Colito Productions (Neuenmarkt, Germany) teaming up to upgrade the house audio system, deploying RCF HDL 30-A active line arrays on the project.

The hall hosts a diverse roster of 180 events annually, including comedy shows, cabaret, live music, shows and balls as well as conferences and product presentations. It’s a situation that requires system with plenty of flexibility.

Haus Leipzig has a stage and a gallery in the main hall, which can also be used as a spectator area. Main left and right arrays are comprised of eight HDL 30-A modules each. The upper two modules of the arrays are used to cover the gallery — if the gallery is open, the high-frequency range is switched on, but if not, the HF range is deactivated and only the low-frequency range remains active for coupling. These settings are handled via the system’s RDNet networking,

Four S2585 subwoofers from dBTechnologies are placed under the stage, offering directional characteristics due to their cardioid design. It’s a requirement that is particularly important due to the proximity of nearby residential buildings. An RCF NXL 24-A module is placed on each side of the stage for out fill coverage, with an additional four RCF M602 multifunctional loudspeakers on the stage to serve as front fills on the edge.

“We’re really very satisfied with RCF’s HDL 30-A system,” states Henrik Dantz, owner of Exclusiv Events Leipzig and operator of Haus Leipzig. “We have many different events, and well-known artists perform in our house, and we receive consistently positive feedback. The acceptance of the new fixed RCF system is very high and costly equipment changes through the use of external PA are virtually non-existent.”

Andreas Schöpf, managing director at Colito Productions, concludes, “From our point of view, upgrading the PA system with the RCF HDL 30-A is exactly the right decision. The diversity of the events and the structural conditions are challenges that the HDL 30-A masters perfectly, and the positive feedback from the artists and production companies prove us absolutely right. The HDL 30-A has the necessary volume and sufficient headroom to cover such a room perfectly. Control by the RDNet network also contributes to the positive result.”



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