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Aviom Announces Pro64 Network Manager Update

Aviom’s Pro64 Network Manager version 2.2 will be released this month and adds an important new feature for using the network with Pro16 Personal Mixing Systems.

With the newest version of the Network Manager software, those using an ASI A-Net Systems Interface to feed a Pro16 Personal Mixing System can now customize the system by selecting any 16 channels from the complete 64-channel Pro64 audio network to send to each mixing zone in the system.

Now an Aviom personal mixing system can be customized more than ever before.

With the added features in Network Manager version 2.2, those using an Aviom Personal Mixing System in conjunction with a Pro64 Audio Network can select the channels to send to each zone of A-16II or A-16R Personal Mixers from the 64 channels of audio available in the network. This gives the engineer the ability to help each musician customize his or her monitor mix while keeping it simple for the musician to use.

“The trend in personal mixing systems right now is to offer more and more channels for the user to control,” explains Aviom’s Director of Marketing, Chandler Collison. “This choice, however, often makes it very difficult for a musician to actually use the personal mixer in a live situation.”

“Aviom’s new Network Manager solution gives the engineer or system designer control over what channels each group of musicians receives, and gives each musician plenty of channels to work with to customize the mix without making it complicated.”

Pro64 Network Manager is a free download from


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