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Antelope Audio Announces Edge Strip Preamp And Modelling Mic Bundle

Package includes Edge large-diaphragm microphone, specifically-designed Discrete MP preamp, and free native-format Fusion AFX Pack plugins,

Antelope Audio announces the availability of the Edge Strip bundle featuring the Edge modeling microphone and specifically-designed Discrete MP microphone preamp, perfectly paired to tender the same audio quality as a locker-full of vintage mics and rack-full of outboard gear as an all-in-one solution for studio recordings with vintage analog sound.

Antelope Audio’s team of engineering experts, led by company CEO Igor Levin, designed Discrete MP to match the frequency response of the Edge large-diaphragm modeling microphone featuring dual edge- terminated capsules.

Furthermore, the Edge Strip bundle comes complete with the free native-format Fusion AFX Pack plugins, including several microphone and preamp emulations alongside the BA 1073 EQ and Stay-Levin compressor (personally designed by Igor Levin).

Both Discrete MP and Edge are all-analog devices, making them fully compatible with any audio interface and A/D converter central to any studio setup anywhere.


Antelope Audio


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Professional Audio Mixing Consoles