Allen & Heath SQ-7 Wins Best Of Show Award At InfoComm 2018

At the 2018 InfoComm Show, Allen & Heath‘s newly introduced SQ-7 digital mixer won a Best of Show award from Future’s Pro Audio Group. The Best of Show Awards are judged by a panel of engineers and industry experts from submitted nominations. The award criteria included ease of use, overall performance, value, network and system friendliness, versatility and reliability.

Along with the SQ-7 debut, Allen & Heath introduced interactive video displays for its ME personal monitoring system, a focused installed-sound #WallOfInstall, and ‘real world’ application touch panels and controllers from Allen & Heath and 3rd-parties such as AMX, Attero Tech, Extron and RDK. The company also highlighted its dLive digital mixing system version V1.7 firmware with Shure integration.

Nicola Beretta, Allen & Heath’s head of Product Management (left), discusses dLive install with InfoComm attendees

In the Allen & Heath training session, “Designing Efficient, Cost-Effective Distributed Audio and Integrated Hardware Control,” installation product manager Martijn Verkerk presented a wide range of topics from audio networking basics to more advanced system design strategies.

Verkerk comments, “Having the opportunity to share and discuss various approaches to distributed audio and interactive AV was wonderful. As often happens, we learned as much from attendees as they learned from us when it comes to unique ways of designing and configuring highly flexible Allen & Heath installed solutions.”

Jeff Hawley, marketing manager, Allen & Heath USA, says, “InfoComm was a hit for Allen & Heath across the board. With SQ, fans spoke and we listened by bringing out this new mixer with more faders, more I/O, more custom control and a more impressive footprint. The ‘Best of Show’ designation is a true honor and we’re excited to see SQ continue to set the new standard in the compact digital console market.”

Allen & Heath